Way of working

With us, you get quality improvement, structural cost savings and short turnaround times for your print productions. How we do that? By using specialist knowledge and a broad orientation to the international printing industry market to get your printing jobs done in the right place.

We produce your graphic products on precisely those machines that are most efficient for that purpose. We know our way around internationally. Thanks to our technical knowledge, four decades of experience and our extensive network, we ensure significant savings in production costs and short lead times.

Boeken magazines periodieken bedrukken

Our strength

The difference between Quality Dots and a printing house is that printing houses are limited in their technical capabilities. They are limited to the capabilities of their own production equipment. There is no printing house that has all possible production equipment in-house. If the specifications of your production call for certain means of production such as in printing and finishing, we feather along flexibly and base our offer on those means of production that offer the best cost and quality.

Knowledge of the product, know-how of the capabilities of production equipment and knowledge of the international market form the basis. Volume positions at specialized production companies help to further reduce cost levels. Knowledge, training, practical experience and service are at your disposal. So contact Quality Dots and take advantage of the benefits we can offer you!


Joost is een onmisbare schakel in ons bedrijf. Zijn jarenlange ervaring in de drukkerij vertaalt zich in een prettige samenwerking die soepel verloopt. Van zulke samenwerkingen kun je enkel dromen als ondernemer.



Een goede drukker vinden die je begeleidt bij het hele proces is een kunst. Gelukkig is er Joost met zijn Quality Dots: dat is stress-loos samenwerken. Drie boeken en vele drukken verder ben ik daarvan getuige.



  • Quality Dots B.V.
  • Kobalt 16A
    3893 DC Zeewolde
  • IBAN NL74RABO0117022918
  • KvK 52602028
  • BTW 850516961B01